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The Art of Financial Statement Analysis

14 ratings

Are you tired of seeing your portfolio in red?

It is well known that the stock market offers the best returns over the long-term, and it is a place where people can build enormous amounts of wealth. But, most people lose out because of these three reasons:

  • You invest on tips.
  • You buy where the big names are invested.
  • You buy out of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

The solution to this problem is reading. This is what Warren Buffett's partner says:

“In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time – none, zero. You’d be amazed at how much Warren reads – at how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”

- Charlie Munger

Over the period of my investment journey, I have read over 100 books related to the stock market, business strategies, and have analyzed almost 150 different companies. This analysis includes:

  • Reading past 10-15 year annual reports
  • Reading conference calls of 5+ years
  • Watching management interviews

You can be among the top 1% of investors.

By simply reading the annual reports, you are ahead of 98% of investors. Yes, you read that right - just 2% of investors read the annual report.

If you go even further and read the notes to financial statements, you'll be among the top 1% of investors.

How can you start your investment journey?

The most important thing to analyze stocks is have some knowledge about basic accounting. This does not mean that you must be a Chartered Accountant. All you need is some understanding about accounting terms that will hang in your head as a mental model. This will help you develop a mindset to interpret what the numbers of a company mean.

What is included in this guide?

  • You will be able to know how the financial statements work and what is their significance over 160 pages of content.
  • You will learn how to read the financial statements of a company and understand the three financial statements:

   - The Balance Sheet

   - The Income Statement

   - The Cash Flow Statement

  • You will be able to analyze financial ratios which are required during the analysis of a company.
  • We will also be covering how to read the annual report and what resources you must look at while analyzing a company.
  • You will be able to detect potential red flags which will help you avoid companies with poor fundamental and those that are cooking their books.
  • Apart from all the points listed above, you will learn how to analyze banking companies, which is not even covered in majority of the books related to the stock market.

Table of Contents


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👍Who is this guide for?

  • People who are just starting their journey in the stock market.
  • People who are interested in building long term wealth from the stock market.
  • People who are willing to learn and become a self-reliant investor.
  • People who want to learn to analyze financial statements on their own
  • People who are patient enough to build wealth from the stock market.

👎Who shouldn't buy this?

  • People who are looking to get rich quick.
  • People who are not going to put in the effort to analyze stocks.
  • People who consistently want tips of new stocks.

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If things work out well for you, and you're able to avoid losing stocks, then that's perfect - you got your money worth!

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The Art of Financial Statement Analysis

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